Graffiti season has just started in our part of the world. And usually nothing can stop me from painting a wall outside as long as my fingers are not freezing to the can. But as some of you might have already read, I am a little “limited” in my abilities at the moment. Everything started when I fell from the ladder a couple of weeks ago while painting the huge mural with my buddy HOMBRE in Switzerland. Amazing weather, a huge wall and I hurt myself. I got away with a pretty bad injury of my shoulder, which was followed by surgery. Unfortunately the process of complete healing will take up to 6 month and on top of that as a righty I did hurt my right shoulder. What a bummer, especially because I had already planned a lot of things for this year.
In situations like that you basically have two options: resignation and self-pity or rethinking your way of approaching certain things. But this question hasn´t been out there for long and I decided, even before the doctors put all pieces back together, to take a new path. BECAUSE – I am in the lucky position to also have an left arm. So I was back at the wall in no time and started to practice. I wasn´t even able to drive a car, but I just had to try to paint a wall as a lefty. If you haven´t tried it yet, you can´t imagine how much you need to focus on doing something that´s so easy with the right hand all of the sudden using the left hand. And I was so slow, too. But I have to say that I started to really enjoy it – nothing´s gonna stop me. As soon as my right arm is healed, I´ll be able to paint with double the force. Whooohooo – so out of everything negative you can get something positive! I can just recommend to try different ways and practice before giving up.
#yougotsomething – the recent campaign of AXE YOU is talking excactly about the same thing: get the most out of your possibilities and believe in yourself, because you are special and one of a kind. This is why I went back to a wall yesterday and tried my luck as a lefty for another time. And I have to say that I become faster, my pieces look cleaner, the flow slowly returns and the most important thing – it´s fun. Together with AXE YOU I´d like to motivate you to do your thing, because you all got something. Meanwhile we also know that most of you guys are not opposed to a goodie once in a while. So we are giving away a one year supply of AXE YOU products. Because than you´ll be able to spend the money you saved in cans.
What do you have to do to win? Comment this blogpost until May 16th and let us know why you or your style is special. Fingers from Team Homboog are crossed!
In cooperation with AXE.


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