TOP FIVE /// Books

We don’t just want to entertain you here at HOMBOOG.COM, but also show you what keeps us moving, what some of our influences are and what keeps us motivated. So we decided to start a new category called TOP FIVE where we show you our personal highlights from all kinds of topics. And we are going to start it off with „Books“, because there are a couple of awesome copys out there that everybody should have had a look at. Let’s get this party started.

1. Odem – ON THE RUN
Plainly the classic under all graffiti books. Not just a picture book, but a real life story which is one of a kind until today. On the Run is the story of Berlin graffiti writer ODEM with all it’s ups and down and it explains the enthusiasm for Graffiti in an authentic way – if you’re not a writer, you’ll know what it’s all about. First publication: 1999
A thousand trains in a thousand days – all over this beautiful planet. This is the main idea behind this one of a kind book. The german duo raised the bar in terms of train writing with the publication to a totally different level. Short stories and topnotch pictures from very special and one of a kind actions on the tracks of this world made INTERNATIONAL TOPSPRAYER become a masterpiece. First publication: 2011
3. Martha Cooper & Henry Chalfant – SUBWAY ART
The holy bible of train writing is a documentation about the beginnings in the city of New York. It became the most known and popular graffiti books of all times. It’s a classic and also the reason for a special edition for the 25th anniversary of SUBWAY ART. First publication: 1984
4. Claudia Walde – STREET FONTS
This is a real deal with tons of pages that Claudia Walde aka MAD C published. An amazing collection of more than 150 alphabets of different international graffiti writers and street artists. So if you need a source of inspiration, are a lover of typography or design, this baby is gonna make you really happy. First publication: 2011
5. Tino Morgner & Frau K. – 40 YEARS OF BOOGIE
My personal highlight which I enjoy and have a look at quite frequently. A collection of pictures, shout outs and artworks of more than 100 friends, family members, role models and fans from all over this amazing planet that I am able to call my own since my 40th birthday in April. First publication: 2017
What are your guys favorite books? I am continuously searching for new inspiration and interesting reads.
Next week is HOMBREs turn and I cant wait to see what he hides in his bookcase.

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