TOP FIVE /// Books Pt.2

After photography, magazines and books were the first source that allowed us to see artworks from talented people from all over the world. Meanwhile we have been flooded with information from social networks, different platforms and images, so that a well made coffeetable book is something quite classy to have. Here you can find my Top 5 of printed artworks – without specific order.



1. Black Ink – Illustrations from Ata Toast Bozazi

For my generation TOAST is a god. No one has mastered the spraycan like he did. With his characters and abilities he did some pioneer work for painters from all over the world. But Toast is more than that. Typography, logos, illustrations – if you are looking into something, you can be quite sure that he has already done it. This is a great book showcasing showing a variety of his work. All black everything by the master …



2. Respect&Love – 123Klan

If you are, just like me, spending quite some time in the digital world and you´re also trying to express your creativity with this media, you´ll definitely have stumbled across this French couple one to two decades ago. There is almost nobody out there who masters the balancing act between can and digital in such a great manor like SCIEN and KLOR aka 123Klan.



3. On the run – JEPSY

Everybody should have heard of the OTR series. At least one of the books is in every good bookcase and most of the times it´s this one. Spotlight on one of the alltime heroes who painted trains 20 years ago like the guys paint hall pieces nowadays. It seems like he had style for breakfast, paired it with an amazing feeling for colors and painted like a human printer. Just so clean. I guess you might already have it at home, but it´s always worth to have more JEPSY in the house.



4. Ed Piskor – HipHop family tree

A comic for adults? Yes. A detailed research on the origins of HipHop? Yes. A piece of history full of love for our culture? Definitely. If you want to fill small gaps or really want to dive deep into the origins of HipHop culture for the first time, this is your must have.



5. Martin Ander – The Hiphop Board Book

This one is probably especially for all parents among you. Loving and child-friendly illustrations on thick cardboard which explain the world to the youngest. From painted subways to block parties and all kinds of styles of chains and hats. Teach them early. But in the end it´s for the tall and the small.



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