Whenever you get the chance to meet people from other parts of the world, exchange ideas, create together, or simply have a good time, the art and the personal state of mind enriches you immensely.
So if you can get your own stupid jokes on 3 talented men from Saudi Arabia, paint a special little wall with the Stadt, Wand. Kunst project in Mannheim and get served with the best coffee of all times, you should definitely take this opportunity.
Deyaa and the fellaz from Dhadstore visited my old hood for a week before visiting Basel and Paris.  Supported by GBG Mannheim and Montana Cans we realized an idea of painting two sides of a pillar, pictorially a medal, but which can only be the support together for bridges. Between countries, cultures, people. Beside painting we did a lot of really cool things like a cycling tour, learned about the eating habits, the next generation in the royal house and traditional customs. I hope this was just the first meeting and that the guys left with similar memories like I was left by them.


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