It is the third year in a row that I have been working on my project BOYS FROM THE WOOD for the last months of the year. As some of you might know my origin is in the most beautiful Ore Mountains of the word – a region in the southeast of Germany close to the czech boarder in the woods. Some of you know this region from winter sports, others through the movie Pulp Fiction („ … Choco – the super stuff from the Ore Mountains …“) and some of you might not know it at all. The region of the Ore Mountains is also famous as Christmas County. Numerous traditional elements such as nutcrackers, light arches and incense smokers are coming from this region and local people still celebrate those traditions every single christmas season. I grew up with this stuff, but the traditional motives have never really been my taste. So I thought it was about time to create a modern version of those traditional handmade artworks and give them some funky vibes.

This is when I started to create my own incense smokers. Produced after my own ideas in the Ore Mountains and finished in my swiss studio. Since three years the result has been a collection of one of a kind BOYS FROM THE WOOD. Characters such as graffiti writers, skaters, sneaker freakers or celebrities – each one of a kind, handmade, numbered and signed with a certificate of authenticity.

This years show took place in Chemnitz / Germany – also called „the gate to the Ore Mountains“ – on two levels of a former sports store which we’ve rented for the exhibition. BOYS FROM THE WOOD & Friends – our homies from the local streetwear labels DON’T MESS WITH THE ERZ and PSTOLN joined as like last year and MUSHROOM PRODUCTIONS with their local production of wooden skis joined the crew for the first time this year.

Overall it was a little stressful, but a phenomenal weekend in my old hood. We’ll be back next year.
Thank’s again to our countless helping hands, friends, fans, supporters and visitors. But most of all I wanna thank Frau K. aka the wifey for her nerves and support.


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