When I recognized the hype of stretching foil in the middle of nowhere the very first time, I was definitely NOT a fan. First of all the surface was really a bad one to paint on it and on the other hand foil graff was something mainly offered by jams. Something that demonstrated that the organizers are even unwilling to build wooden panels, so they don’t have to take care about construction or disposal.
Two things changed my mind: In my opinion Graffiti has to interact with the surroundings and no other surface offers a similar chance of active interacting and choice of spot. Next to this I had a conversation with BABAKone from DEDICATED STORE in Cologne. He reminded me that this foils represents something really essential of our HipHop culture: Creating something out of nothing! Turntables turned into instruments, cardboards into dancefloors and streets into galleries. So you can take your canvas to every spot you want. My hometown’s harbor is a longtime love for walking around, lil adventures and exploring. The well picked spot was perfect for the foil project in my head: Great scenery, interaction with the area and the conditions, relaxed painting and the chance to let my Brother MIKIS FONTAGNIER circle his new drone over our heads. A short visit of the local water cops turned into a very interested visit and friendly expression of approval. For the drone AND the painting. It was a sunday well spent …