13 QUESTIONS /// Dvate (Melbourne/Australia)

The fact that “Downunder” means not only Kangaroos and Koalas but also a really busy graffiti schene, should be known. We spoke with one of the most active and maybe best graffiti artists of Australia. Curtain up for DVATE


1. Maybe some words about us: When and how did you noticed Hombre & Boogie for the first time?
I’ve looked up to both these artists for many years in mags and online. Their styles are classic with a modern twist. And always funky! A real honor to meet and paint with Boogie in Tahiti and Roskilde last year.

2. How important is your profession in your private life? Are there also some negative aspects?
My job is my life and my life is my job so sometimes it can be hard to juggle. For me, being able to make a living out of what I love to do is an amazing thing and definitely worth all the hard work.
I guess the main negative is how it effects my relationships with people who don’t paint, it can be hard to make the time to just relax and chill.

3. Do you have Idols?
There are many people that I look up too, both for their art and also as people. In terms of graff I am most inspired by people who continuously keep painting and always push their style.

4. Which gift do you wish to have?
A small house near a dope train yard and some chill day walls.

5. Your best travel destination till now?
Either Antwerp or Tahiti. Both are awesome places with great people and my favorite places to paint.

6. Backpacker or 5 Stars?
I’m really cheap so usually a Backpacker or mates floor/couch. But I do love a bit of 5 star every now and then.

7. Rock, Rap or Elektro?
Usually Rap

8. Low Carb or Candy Madness?
Candy madness with extra carbs for sure!!!

9. Soccer or Wrestling?

10. Your 5 daily essentials?
Caffeine, Weed, Graff, Candy madness with extra carbs and my wife.

11. Favourite movie?
Style Wars.

12. 5 Alltime favorite songs?
In the park – Ghostface Killa
Stray Bullet – OK
DJ Quick – Speed
93 till -Souls of Mischief
Only when I’m Drunk – Alcoholics

13. What are your wishes for the future – private and global?
More Travel and painting, still trying to get over the illegal temptations 😉
Keep pushing the business and get some big billionaire clients. Start a family and grow stuff in the garden.


DVATE on Instagram



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